The CEAS Gold Award
The CEAS Gold award is awarded annually to a professional that has contributed greatly to the achievements within the aerospace industry.
Every year the national societies put forward nominees for this award that recognizes great contributions to the aerospace industry.
Upon review, the Awards committee selects a winner and recommends the person to the board of CEAS.
The gold award is then awarded during the Aerospace Europe conference.
Past Winners

Dr. Sergey Chernyshev
Sergey L. Chernyshev played an exceptional role in long-term promotion of Russian involvement and support European cooperation in aeronautics Research and Development

Prof. Ric Parker
Through his astute technical and scientific judgement, vision and leadership, Prof Ric Parker CEng FRAeS has made an outstanding contribution in serving the European aerospace community.

Mr. Jean-Jacques Dordain
Through his exceptional leadership of the European Space Agency and his technical, diplomatic and commercial skills, Jean Jacques Dordain HonFRAeS has made an outstanding contribution to the European aerospace industry.

Mr. Eric Dautrait
Eric Dautriat has contributed in an exemplary, outstanding way to the French space community and to the of European aeronautics technology development and demonstration. Essential for the progress of the environmental sustainability and competitiveness of the European aeronautical industry.

Mr. Gordon McConnell
Gordon McConnell, through his exceptional leadership in technical and engineering development and personal contribution to the success of Airbus, has made an outstanding contribution to European aerospace.

Prof. Dr. -Ing. Joachim Szodruch
Joachim Szodruch has contributed in an outstanding way to the German, European and international aerospace community by motivating people and institutions to cooperate and by initiating powerful networks in an often visionary way.