2020 Dr Sergey Chernyshev
The Board of Trustees, in its meeting of 21st November 2019, unanimously decided to confer the CEAS Award 2020 to Dr Sergey Chernyshev.
Sergey L. Chernyshev played an exceptional role in long-term promotion of Russian involvement and support European cooperation in aeronautics Research and Development.

Statement of Justification
Sergey L. Chernyshev graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology (PhysTech) with honors. He received his M.S. Degree (1978) in aeronautical engineering, focusing on aircraft aerodynamics & multidisciplinary design. He received the PhD Degree at Moscow PhysTech (1981) and Senior Doctorate Degree (Physics & Mathematics) at TsAGI (2005).
He has been working at TsAGI for over 30 years at different research and management positions, recently as Executive Director of TsAGI, General Director of TsAGI, since August 2018 as Chief Scientific Officer of TsAGI. He is a professor at the Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology and Chairman of its Flight Physics Department.
For almost 30 years Sergey Chernyshev has been promoting international relations with specific focus on cooperation within Europe by offering exchanges based on the long experience of Russian aeronautical science. His activity as National Contact Point on aeronautics resulted in more than 70 joint EU-Russian research projects.
Sergey Chernyshev was most successful in supporting the European science exchange by acquiring and perfectly organizing a number of conferences in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi, etc. (e.g. CEAS European Rotorcraft Forum ERF-2013, ICAS-2014 with more than 800 participants; International Structural & Dynamics Forum IFASD-2015, CEAS High Speed Science & Technology Conference HiSST-2018), TsAGI-ONERA and TsAGI-DLR workshops.
He is well integrated in the European aeronautical community, including involvement in EREA, CEAS and EASN activities. Basing on European co-operation he was at the beginning of global partnership in IFAR where he will be since September 2019 the Chairman.
Prof Chernyshev is an Associate Fellow of AIAA and also Member of AIAA International Affairs Committee (since 1998), Member of the ICAS Council (since 1999). He also received several National awards from the Russian Government and international awards among which is the “Aviation Week & Space Technology Laurels Award” for significant contributions to Global Aerospace 2000 (2001), the French National Order of Merit (2012), ICAS – Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Award (2014).
Curriculum Vitae Sergey Chernyshev
Present functions: Chief Scientific Officer of Central AeroHydrodynamic Institute named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), PhD, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Born on May 15, 1955.
Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology (PhysTech) with honors and received his M.S. Degree (1978) in aeronautical engineering, focusing on aircraft aerodynamics & multidisciplinary design. He received the PhD Degree at Moscow PhysTech (1981) and Senior Doctorate Degree (Physics & Mathematics) at TsAGI (2005).
Dr Chernyshev is an expert in aircraft aerodynamics, sonic boom, CFD, as well as aircraft concept design & integration. He has been working at TsAGI for over 30 years at different research and management positions, recently as Executive Director of TsAGI, General Director of TsAGI, since August 2018 as Chief Scientific Officer of TsAGI. He is a professor at the Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology and Chairman of its Flight Physics Department.
In the mid-90s he worked in the United States as Director of the TsAGI field office and contributed to expanding cooperation in aeronautics between Russia and USA, along with other Western countries. He was personally behind the 1990s US-Russia Engineering Student & Scholars exchange program and many other initiatives aimed at expanding TsAGI’s international cooperation in aeronautics worldwide.
For almost 30 years Sergey Chernyshev has been promoting international relations with specific focus on cooperation within Europe by offering exchanges based on the long experience of Russian aeronautical science. His activity as National Contact Point on aeronautics resulted in more than 70 joint EU-Russian research projects. Prof. Chernyshev has been most active in supporting the exchange and cooperation of young researchers, e.g. NextPRO, EREA, TsAGI-DLR workshops. Sergey Chernyshev was most successful in supporting the European science exchange by acquiring and perfectly organizing a number of conferences in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi, etc. (e.g. CEAS European Rotorcraft Forum ERF-2013, ICAS-2014 with more than 800 participants; International Structural & Dynamics Forum IFASD-2015, CEAS High Speed Science & Technology Conference HiSST-2018), TsAGI-ONERA and TsAGI-DLR workshops; etc. His support and engagement for EU – Russian research cooperation was exceptional, including coordination of flagship FPs research topics. His leadership and out of the box personality allows him strongly support international cooperation to advance aeronautical science. Therefore, he is well integrated in the European aeronautical community, including involvement in EREA, CEAS, EASN activities. Basing on European cooperation he was at the beginning of global partnership in IFAR where he will be since September 2019 the Chairman.
Nominated by
Dr Georges Bridel (SVWF).
Prof Dr-Ing. Joachim Szodruch, former president of DGLR / CEAS and former member of the Executive Board Aeronautics and Energy DLR, German Aerospace Centre.
Dr ir Johan Steelant, ESA-ESTEC.