CEAS EuroGNC Conference 2024
Spring 2024, Bristol

The CEAS Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control or “EuroGNC” was created in 2011 to foster the exchanges within the European GNC community and between the European GNC community and the rest of the world. At the time, it was inspired by the AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control and co-located conferences (especially the Atmospheric Flight Mechanics and Modeling and Simulation Technologies conferences), which were integrated into the large AIAA forums since 2014.
It is an applied conference in Guidance, Navigation, and Control (and related areas) with strong aeronautics and space orientation, even if other applications with similar challenges and modeling approaches are welcome (e.g. automotive, robotics, wind energy, underwater vehicles). More theoretical works in the area are also welcome, especially if their application to aeronautics and space problems can easily be inferred.
The first EuroGNC conference was organized in Munich, Germany in April 2011. The conference was held every two year, since except in 2021, when the COVID-19 pandemic forced the Berlin team to postpone the conference to 2022. For many of the participants, the 2022 edition was the first in-person conference they attended post COVID-19. The conference is now held on even years. The next conference will be held in the Spring of 2024 in Bristol, UK.
News, updates, exact scope, contact info, proceedings of previous editions, etc. can be found on the dedicated site of the CEAS EuroGNC conference: https://eurognc.ceas.org.