2024 Mr Jean-Pierre Sanfourche
Dr. Jean-Pierre Sanfourche for his long-term dedicated service to CEAS and the entire European Aerospace Community as Editor-in-Chief of CEAS Aerospace Europe Bulletin.

Statement of Justification
Dr. Sanfourche has a solid scientific background in the space community, having worked at both
the French National Centre for Space Studies (CNES) and the European Space Agency (ESA).
However, for CEAS, his contributions, over the years, as an excellent editor-in-chief for the
Aerospace Europe Bulletin cover both aeronautical and astronautical issues, making it an
internationally recognized European bulletin for the entire Aerospace community.
Swedish representatives of FTF, having had contact with Dr. Sanfourche over the years, find him
professionally and socially outstanding. He is easy to work with and strives for excellence that
promotes the Aerospace Europe Bulletin in a way that spills over to the entire CEAS community.
Nominated by
The Swedish Society for Aeronautics and Astronautics, FTF