Hall of Fame

Below are all past winners from 1998 to 2023.

We always welcome additional pictures from the awards ceremonies. These can be send to info@ceas.org

2023 Dr. Franco Ongaro & Prof. Zdobyslaw Goraj

2022 Prof. Johann Dietrich-Wörner & Dr. Dietrich Knörzer

2020 Dr. Sergey Chernyshev

2018 Mr. Jean-Jacques Dordain

Jean-Jacques Dordain receives the Award from Zdobyslaw Goraj in Berlin, 21st November 2019

2017 Mr. Eric Dautrait

Eric Dautriat receives the Award from Christophe Hermans in Bucharest, 16th October 2017

2016 Mr. Gordon McConnell

Gordon McConnell receives the Award from Fred Abbink in London, 28th November 2016

2015 Dr. Joachim Szodruch

Joachim Szodruch receives the Award from Fred Abbink in Rotterdam 9th September 2015

2014 Prof. Fred Abbink

Fred Abbink receives the Award from David Marshall in Brussels 9th December 2014

2013 Mr. Louis Gallois

Louis Gallois receives the Award from David Marshall in Paris 16th January 2014

2012 Prof Manfred Fuchs

Manfred Fuchs receives the Award from David Marshall in Brussels 6th March 2013

2011 Dr. Stamatios M. Krimigis

Stamatios M. Krimigis receives the Award from Pierre Bescond in Venice 26th October 2011

2010 Ernesto Vallerani

Ernesto Vallerani receives the Award from Joachim Szodruch in Brussels 1 December 2010.

2008 Jaun-Peal Bechat

Jean-Paul Bechat receives the Award from Gerorges Bridel in Paris 4 December 2008.

2007 David Southwood

David Southwood receives the Award from Colin Terry in Berlin 12 September 2007.

2006 Rainer Hertrich

Rainer Hertrich receives the Award from Julián Simón in Vienna 19 June 2006.

2004 Álvaro Azcárraga

Álvaro Azcárraga receives the Award from Julián Simón in París Airshow, June 2005.

2003 Richard Case

Mr. Case received his award from CEAS president Julían Simón.

2002 Fredrik Engström

Mr Engström received his award in Brussels on 12th November 2002.

2001 Mr. P. Santini

2000 Ralph Robins

Sir Ralph Robins receives the 2000 CEAS Award from Professor Ernesto Vallerani in London, 7th December 2000.

1999 Walter Kröll

Professor Walter Kröll receives the 1999 CEAS Award from Trevor Truman (CEAS President) on 30th November 1999 in Paris.

1998 Jean Pierson

Jean Pierson receives the Award from CEAS President Carlos De Andrés.


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