The CEAS High-Speed Vehicles Science and Technology Committee (HiSST)
In 2017, CEAS incorporated the newly formed HiSST Committee into its organization. In conformity with other CEAS committees, the HiSST committee has the objective to further high-speed vehicle knowledge and experience on an international level, prepare technical papers in all areas of related technology, organize exchange of knowledge, support the global industrial and scientific community, establish meetings and conferences and foster communication and motivation for young engineers and scientists.
The HiSST Committee is a group of experts from a broad range of aerospace industries, research establishments, operators, governmental agencies and universities of the constituent member state societies. All members hold leading positions within their organizations.
The HiSST Mission Statement addresses the promotion of open discussion between research institutions, academia and industry from around the globe on research and development of enabling technologies for supersonic and hypersonic vehicles.
The scope of topics covered by the HiSST Committee includes:
• high-speed missions
• high-speed flight vehicles
• high-speed propulsion
• aero-thermo-dynamics
• thermal and energy management
• materials and structures
• guidance, navigation, and control
• testing and validation
• operation and environment, and
• all underlying system and subsystem aspects
HiSST Conferences
HiSST Conferences are open to an international audience. They are held on an 18-month cycle and contain reviews of high-speed objectives and activities in all TC Member countries, keynote speeches by invited experts in the field, panel sessions on selected topics of high-speed engineering, and technical papers prepared and presented by authors from around the globe. The 1st HiSST Conference, organized by TsAGI, was held in Moscow, Russia, in November 2018. It was a great success; a success we intend to duplicate with the 2nd HiSST Conference, organized by CEAS in collaboration with ESA, and to be held in Bruges, Belgium, in April 2020. In Russia, we had the opportunity to tour unique TsAGI test facilities and in Belgium we will tour the Von Karman Institute as the closing highlight of the conference.
Technical Committee Membership
Australia | Prof. Vincent Wheatley (Univ. of Queensland) |
Brazil | Dr. Marco A.S. Minucci (Institute for Advanced Studies) |
China | Prof. Xisheng Luo (Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences) |
Europe | Prof. Johan Steelant, Host of HiSST2022 (European Space Agency) |
France | Francois Falempin, Host of HiSST 2025 (former MBDA), Deputy – Cedric Monjaret, Host of HiSST 2025 (ONERA) |
Germany | Dr. Jan Martinez Schramm (DLR, German Aerospace Center) |
India | Dr. Ibrahim (IIT Kanpur) |
Italy | Dr. Gennaro Russo (DAC, Campania Aerospace District) |
Japan | Prof. Masataka Maita (International Aerospace Consulting) |
Korea | Prof. Dr. Jeong-Yeol Choi, Host of HiSST2024 (Pusan National University) Deputy – Dr. Prof. Bok Jik Lee (Seoul National University) |
United Kingdom | Prof. Matthew McGilvray (Oxford University) |
United States | Dr. Adam Siebenhaar, Committee Chairman (Mach 7H Consulting) |