The Aeronautical Committees
The Technical Committees help CEAS achieve the goal of strengthening European aerospace cooperation.
A number of Technical Committees are active within CEAS. The committees consist of professionals and experts active in organizing events, conducting reviews, exchange information. Membership of these groups are a good mix of subject matter (and recognized) experts in their field from various nations and CEAS member societies, representing industry, research establishments, agencies and academia.
The Guidance, Navigation and Control Technical Committee
Headed by Coen de Visser of TU Delft
The Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics Technical Committee
Headed by Héctor Climent of Airbus Military
The Aeroacoustics Technical Committee
Headed by Alec Wilson of University of Southampton
The Aircraft Design Technical Committee
Headed by Bjorn Nagel of DLR
The Integrated Air Transport Operations Technical Committee
Headed by Volker Gollnick of DLR and Ricky Curran of TU Delft
The Rotorcraft Committee
Headed by Pierangelo Masarati of Politecnico di Milano
The High Speed Vehicles Science and Technology Committee (HiSST)
Headed by Dr. Adam Siebenhaar of Mach 7H Consulting
About CEAS
President’s Annual Report
The Board
The Committees
The Member Societies
Terms of Reference for CEAS Conferences
Privacy Policy
Aerospace Europe Conference
European Rotorcraft Forum
AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference
International Conference on High-Speed Vehicle Science and Technology (HiSST)
CEAS Women in Aerospace Conference
Aerospace Europe Bulletin
CEAS Aeronautical Journal
CEAS Space Journal
CEAS 25th Anniversary Book
CEAS Gold Award
CEAS Distinguished Service Award
CEAS Journals most cited papers award
Hall of Fame
CEAS Aerospace Intranet
CEAS Aerospace Conference Tool
CEAS Open Access Repository
CEAS Aerospace Supercomputer