The Aerospace Europe platform acts as the online hub for all European activities and publications in the field of aeronautics and aerospace.


It aims to harmonize the activities of the various national and regional institutions and strenghten collobaration through providing tools and access to professionals around Europe. 


The objectives of the platform can be summarized as:

  • improved communication between associations,
  • implementation of a common logistic platform that should provide a more visible European label
  • a common policy regarding aeronautical events and publications,
  • better synchronized conference events,
  • scientific expertise better aggregated to conferences,
  • events organized in cooperation between associations and
  • a vision for common journal and publishing policy.

Aerospace Europe was funded through the E-CAero2 project within the Horizons 2020 project.


The founding partners are:

  • CEAS, the Council for European Aerospace Societies.
  • ECCOMAS, the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences.
  • ERCOFTAC, the European Research Community on Flow Turbulence and Combustion.
  • EUCASS, the European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences
  • EUROMECH, the European Mechanics Society
  • EUROTURBO, the European Turbomachinery Society


The current platform manager is Mr. Thomas Vermin.


The current president of CEAS, the acting body advising the platform, is Prof. Franco Bernelli. 


The platform is dedicated to the late Prof. Christophe Hermans, who was instrumental in leading the efforts to realize the platform.