2024 Dr. Georges Bridel
Georges Bridel has provided significant contributions to the development of European military fighter aircraft, including the development of stealth fighter geometries. He has provided great stimuli towards the development
of a joint European future fighter aircraft.
He was strongly engaged in the support of early career scientists and engineers in an international environment. Furthermore, he has provided great contributions to the development of CEAS. In 2008 he was CEAS President. In the CEAS conferences of 2011 and 2015 he provided presentations and
organized workshops to support the joint European fighter aircraft and the supporting technologies.
At present he heads the CEAS Past Presidents Committee and he was involved in the organization of the joint CEAS-EUCASS aerospace conference in Lausanne Switzerland.

Statement of Justification
In my role as president of the Swiss Association of Aeronautical Sciences (SVFW) I’m pleased to submit the nomination for Dr. Georges Bridel for the CEAS Gold Award. Georges Bridel is a longtime member of SVFW,
acted as president from 1981 to 2001 and he is the CEAS trustee of SVFW.
Georges Bridel was born in Lucerne / Switzerland 1946. He graduated with a master’s degree in mechanical engineering (Dipl. Ing.) at the Technical University Zurich (ETHZ) in 1970. 1978, he obtained his PhD (Dr. sc.Techn.) in Aerodynamics at the Institute of Aerodynamics of ETHZ. Between 1971-1979 he was a scientific
assistant in the field of aerodynamics and fluid mechanics at the ETHZ. Additional education he received
through Systems Engineering & Management courses in Switzerland and Germany.
In 1980 he became Managing Director of ALR Aerospace Project Development Group. In that role he directed the concept-development of the Piranha 1, 4 and 6 lightweight fighters and was responsible for the collaboration
with the Boeing Military Airplane Company. In cooperation with Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm MBB he contributed to the development of the LCA Light Combat Aircraft (India).
In 1985 he was tasked to lead the initial marketing study, feasibility program and definition phase of the FFA 2000 “Eurotrainer” basic training aircraft. He subsequently became Program Manager of the prototype development.
Within ALR he initiated the development of the “APP Aircraft Performance Program”, a commercially used com
petitor aircraft analysis tool.
Between 1993 – 2001 he joined DASA Aerospace and became senior manager of the Advanced Design and Technology department.
He was technical program manager of the Ranger 2000 light jet trainer aircraft and was leading the final development, flight tests and certification.
In 2001 Georges Bridel became Vice President of the
Advanced Design and Technology Division in the newly formed EADS European Aeronautic Defence and
Space Company. Here his responsibilities covered the future product development, like Future Combat Air Systems, upgrades of existing systems, Demonstrator Development, Technology Management as well as Operations Analysis.
In 2020 he initiated the JANUS feasibility study for an advanced military fighter training system which is based on an cost-efficient approach with a lightweight jet training aircraft. The concept was the core element of a proposal to the European Defend Fund in 2021.
The JANUS concept holds a patent granted in 2023 by the German Patent- and Markenamt. Since 2011 Georges Bridel is the General Secretary & Managing Director of ALR and Centre of Competence
Aerospace Projects Development.
He is a retired Officer of the Swiss Air Force. He is a Member of the Board of SVFW (Swiss Association of Aeronautical Sciences). In this function he is also a member of the CEAS Council of the European Aerospace Societies where he served as President between 2008-2010. In 2021 he initiated the CEAS Past Presidents Advisory Committee where he is now Chairman of the group.
He is serving in numerous aeronautical associations and is Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS), Fellow of the Academy de l’Air at de l’Espace (AAE), Member of the American AIAA, Member of the French
AAAF as well as a Member of the German DGLR. Furthermore, Georges Bridel initiated, planned and executed ALR Seminars and Workshops for young scientists in an international environment.
Georges Bridel is author of numerous publications of aerospace projects and technologies.
Nominated by
Dr. Jürg Wildi
Fred Abbink, Past CEAS president
Joachim Szodruch, Past CEAS President
Andreas Hauser, SVFW Board Member